193 - Valentine's Day Special: Boogie Nights (with Calvin Dyson)
Guest: Calvin Dyson
Films covered in this episode:
Boogie Nights
Allen: ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Calvin: ✰ ✰ ½
Sol: ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Overall score: 70%
Diminishing Returns forges somewhat new ground, this week. Over the past three years, we've brought you a trilogy of dare-we-say hilarious and insightful "sex episodes", supposedly covering The Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy. This is year four and we're out of Fifty Shades crap to talk about, so instead, he's fictional pornstar biopic Boogie Nights, as voted for by our Patreon subscribers!.
Does covering a good film ruin the fun? No... Surprisingly, this episode is sexy as hell.